Saturday, April 24, 2010

The back of Avery's schoolwork...

This week Avery's tests/schoolwork came home with a series of Star Wars scenes on them. We haven't watched them in months, so I'm surprized at some of the details!

The top part of the picture to the left is Han frozen in the block and Leia beside him saving him. The bottom part shows Luke throwing a rock to bring the gate down on the pit monster trying to eat him.

To the right is poor Jabba getting choked by Leia's chain... I wonder if his teacher looks at the back of his papers...

The last picture is Luke fighting Vader while standing on the grate where Han was frozen. I'm just impressed at his detail and ability to re-create scenes (for a 5 year-old). Oh yes, he also aced his tests :D

1 comment:

Douglas Underhill said...

I really love the look on Jabba's face in the picture. Priceless.