Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Well my little boy has officially spent 3 days in the care of another. I comforts me greatly that I get to know his caretakers so well (since they work in the room beside me). It's hard during the day when everyone is playing outside, and I can't go get him and carry him around with me. He's coping remarkably well, but I still hear "momma" from across the playground several times a day *sigh* He's learning to blow kisses very well. He's stressing a bit more in the morning now that he realizes that this situation will continue, and isn't quite sure of it, but I think playing with the kids will really be good for his personal skills as he grows up.

On a brighter note, we're hoping to spend the week of Christmas in a cabin in the Sierra Nevada with friends. I hope that works out, it would be so cool! I can't wait to see Avery playing in the snow!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The First Post

My most recent accomplishment, growing veggies from seeds...and here is my first real vegetable! We've also managed to consume fresh spinach and lettuce from my little box gardens. Can't say I'll do it from seeds again, but it's nice to know it can be done :)

The second most recent accomplishment was accquiring a job at a local children's center. I work with the preschool age (3-5 yrs old). So far I've been there a week, and I'm very happy. I a few weeks Avery will be joining me in the room next door during the day, so that daddy can get a summer job. My job will continue for the next 2 years I hope!