Sunday, February 3, 2008

Hair adventures

So, I think a hair dying is in my future. Do you think I can pull off the blue look? I'm actually leaning toward purple or burgundy... And of course my hair doesn't actually have this cool cut either.


Domino said...

I love seventeen's salon-I'm assuming that's where you got the pics. I've used it too.

Anonymous said...

I like the blue!!! Actually that would be a good cut for you too! Be adventurous... but get it professionally done... the 'head shop' variety of colours fades too fast... our friend with the pink hair only washes twice a week and is petrified of rain and swimming pools because they cause her colour to run.

Chip Michael said...

oh yea... electric blue... that say "Stacia" alright!!!

- as much as I am a fan of red (no so much burgundy), I think blue is definitely more you.

Stacia said...

Actually I got it at

Anonymous said...

I luv the blue! I'm sure Avery would have fun with it too=)

Douglas Underhill said...

for what its worth (little) I think fuscia is an awesome hair color - also, it rhymes with stacia!