Avery wanted to serenade everyone with Twinkle Twinkle, so there you go! The picture on the right is Avery in his chef hat (to go with the aforementioned stove). And below is Curran, yes, standing by himself with couch support.

Oh, Curran also saw the doctor yesterday for a check up and three shots. He is 18 lbs. 4 ozs. and 26.5 inches long. I started him on carrots this week since he liked chewing on whole ones so much.
Wow Avery!! That was really great!! I especially love the way you bounce to keep yourself on the beat!! What other songs do you know?
I like this one:
Oh you cannae throw yer Granny fra the bus,
Oh you cannae throw yer Granny fra the bus,
Oh you cannae throw yer Granny cuz she's yer Daddy's Mammy,
Oh you cannae throw yer Granny fra the bus!
LOL... falling on the floor.. Avery is so cute, and so very self-aware.
Curran is also coming into his own in terms of looks.
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