Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy success...

So here is my first ever attempt at making 'sushi rolls'. I made them with canned tuna so that first-timers to sushi would feel a little braver. I made it spicy with chili sauce, but still didn't have quite the right flavor balance in my opinion. But they looked pretty! (And stayed rolled which was my big worry.) Curran actually helped eating the seaweed wrappers and using wet (clean) fingers to flatten the rice.
I made these for a short public presentation I did on international holidays. In my little speech I touched upon Guy Fawkes day, Shichigosan, Baba Marta, Loi Krathong, Teej, Semana Santa and Eid al-fitr. I think about 12 or more sat through my presentation and participated awesomely, offering up their own stories of local and international holidays and traditions. The event was even written up in the local paper beforehand afterwards here as well. I had so much fun putting this presentation together, and I learned a lot which felt great.

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