Here's a bit of brotherly interaction, with Curran scooting around. He can belly crawl much farther than he does in this video. In the picture Avery lends a (thankfully) helping hand to Curran sitting up. Our baby sits well, but falls over easily when distracted.
Curran thought he pretty hot stuff sitting in the computer chair all by himself. Later that day he also tried to devour a dragon (much to Avery's dismay). In the end -as always- he was just exhausted! The picture below is actually from our super-long layover in JFK before Christmas, but trying to devour the dragon had a similar effect :)

How adorable!! I can't get over how much Curran looks like Clarice!! He even scoots like her!!! Oh how we miss you guys!!
So, should we adopt the nickname Skooter?
I don't know Chip, should we start calling you Cookie?
*raised eyebrow* heh heh
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