Avery drew me a picture and picked out a bunch of manga for me on Mother's Day. You can see what a good daddy he is to his baby doll. He feeds the baby (now named Avery, because baby 'Curran' grew up) and changes his diapers. Avery told me that if the baby spit up I had to wipe it off while he went to the gym with daddy. The seeds that came in Avery's easter basket are growing well.

You can see Curran likes Tia Erika. Looking at her awesome hair reminds me that Curran is finally pulling hair less. I can leave my hair down sometimes now, and he'll mostly leave it alone. He's also a major copycat. When I stack stuff, he tries to help. And he's always happy to un-stack or un-pack things! Avery on the other hand has been a doll these last few days (after three days of random terror from him), and has been helping me sort and fold laundry. He's very attentive to detail, which helps him match socks, but in general makes him get frustrated soo easily.