Thursday, April 24, 2008

Well rendered

So here's the boys showing off their new hats. They've both been enjoying the outdoors a lot lately, so we've been using them. Curran pulls at his to remove it (like all babies), but leaves it alone once he's outside and distracted. Avery likes to swordfight or chase the other kids and Curran likes to go down the slide - face first if given the chance.

Here's me and the babe. You can see my newest hair color. The box said plum, but between my natural color and the reddish color in it from before it came out more like dark aubergine or wine. I think I'd have to bleach my hair to get a real good purple, but I really don't want to do that to my poor already-thin hair.

To the left you can see my art project for the day. I was pretty happy with how well it came out for a casual sketching party with Avery. The lower picture is the one from the book. I also did a pretty nice cartoon cat and mad scientist, but I won't bore everyone with every little doodle :)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Quick Update...

I'm a bit under the weather, but I've been lax at blogging so:
1. Curran's fifth tooth has broken the gum and is on the way out.
2. Avery is a "big boy now" according to him on many things. He wears underwear, no longer uses the extra small potty seat, doesn't need his stepstool to wash his hands, doesn't want to wear a bib, doesn't need a lid on his drinks anymore, can make his own mustard and cream cheese sandwiches (his idea, not mine), and doesn't want a nap. Mom agrees pretty much with all except that last thing. We tried to nap for one day, and had major meltdown by 7pm!
3. Aric's church hired an interim pastor, so his internship will end sometime in the first part of May.
4. Curran really likes to feed himself, and gets fussy if some part of his meal isn't hand-held. He can drink from his tippy cup all on his own too.
5. Avery like to wear ties. (Or 'scarves' as he often calls them.) He wore a bow tie for Easter.