Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Mixin' It Up

Here's my son being good and trying to play the piano with his fingers (as opposed to his fists, feet, or plastic hammer). His favourite song to play is the metronome back beat...thrilling for the first minute, but ten minutes later it can get a bit old *grin*

I'm thrilled having recieved 100% on my first paper for Early Childhood Education. I seriously was hoping for a C, so imagine my joy at 20 out of 20! *pat my back* Part of the reason for taking this class is that I'm working at a preschool, and loving it. The college credits allow me more flexiblity (when I get enough) and a pay raise.

My husband is still working off his batookie doing 17 credits, chaplin's assistant, and apartment manager here at seminary. He just preached his best sermon ever to J. Alfred Smith, and I'm so proud of him!

Yay fall! The rains were so nice...I can't wait for more cold and blustery days. In regards to the game on Eddie's blog The Closest Book:

Rules as follows:
The Rules of this tag game are:
1. Grab the book nearest to cheating!
2. Open to page 123.
3. Scroll down to the fifth sentence.
4. Post text of next 3 sentences on to your blog.

And we have... "This Skill reflects knowledge of legal procedure and practice. GM's may assume that anyone with level 3 or more has a license to practice law. In addition to lawyers, many police officers and politicians have the law skill at level 1 or 2."

Big Eyes, Small Mouth - Revised 2nd Edition